Disclaimer & Privacy Policy

Barletta Privacy Practices

Read Privacy Practices

This website is intended to provide general information about our practice to our current and potential patients. It is not intended to provide any medical advice. That can only be done through a complete appointment with our dentist.

We value your right to privacy and confidentiality.  We do not collect any personally identifiable information on this web-site, except when explicitly and voluntarily submitted by you through the online contact form.  We do not share any information that we collect with any other agencies or individuals.

Email is not a secure medium.  Personal information sent via the Internet can be intercepted.  We advise that you call for an appointment to discuss you dental health with Dr. Barletta.

We may change this policy from time to time by updating this page.  This policy is effective retin-a from February, 2012.

Read Privacy Practices »

Need an Appointment?
Our office staff is always friendly and approachable. We invite you to call for an appointment:

(908) 665-0220

Office Hours

Mon & Wed:
7:30am - 2:00pm

Tue & Thu:
7:30am - 5:30pm