Dr. Daniel Barletta, DMD, General Dentistry


Dr. Barletta is a family dentist and practices general dentistry. Our services include routine dental exams, cleanings, and digital x-rays. We provide comprehensive restorative treatments including fillings, crowns, bondings, bridges, and dentures. Cosmetic procedures, such as porcelain laminates and tooth whitening, are also provided.


Dr. Barletta is highly experienced in the prosthetic restorations of dental implants. Dr. Barletta, as well as the entire team, strive to provide a comfortable and friendly environment, along with the best dental care possible for each patient.


Dr. Barletta graduated Fairleigh Dickinson University School of Dentistry in 1985 with a degree of Doctor of Dental Medicine. He received outstanding achievement awards  in the field of periodontology and anesthesia. He was also inducted into the honorary dental society Omicron Kappa Upsilon for exceptional academic achievement.


Conveniently located on the corner of Pitney Avenue and Springfield Avenue in New Providence, New Jersey, the office has plenty of easy and free parking on the street.


Call for an appointment: (908) 665-0220